Anna has collaborated with fellow artist Karolin Kent throughout the years ( and their work Krumt premiered at Atalante in April 2014.
‘Having the room as a starting point, the flat, the space. A meditative questioning of the room in which we exist. A constant change of the very present. In here we can challenge proximity, the personal sphere, our expectations; of the room, others and ourselves. Body meets space, meets movement, meets images, will be meeting sound in a tactile non-perfection. An interactive piece that will open your senses and touch them.’
During summer 2014 the work was shown at The International Performance Festival in Strömstad. Anna did a solo version of the installation in Strömstad in October as part of the artist talk Kollision.
In August Anna and Karolin developed the work in collaboration with Not Quite Artist Collective and the artists Karl Hallberg and Chris Porcarelli ( with support from Frispel. The four will continue to collaborate.
Performance footage from Atalante
Performance footage from Not QuiteSupported by Atalante, Västra Götalandsregionen and Not Quite.