I invite you
I invite you created and performed by Anna Emilsson in 2014 for Steneby Konsthall, Sweden.
Sometimes I forget to stop. Sometimes we as humans forget, and have forgotten, to pause. Finding those moments in-between.
To leave space for the presence.
Where our body can inhibit presence, existing in the very now. Right here.
I keep looking for the spaces in-between. In my life, my body, in the space surrounding my flesh. Then I realise; it is in the constant search looking to find something that I forget that actually I’m running away from the moment.
I will stop, I will pause, I will negotiate my body around the moment of the presence. I invite you to join me in a piece formed as an installation where my body exists and negotiate the space in which I’m surrounded.
The piece has been performed during Winter Words Festival and at Göteborgs Kulturkalas 2015. The piece is a parallell creation together with Anna’s side-project Meetings with myself.